Marine Conservation Story

Caitlyn Tobin


27 July, 2023

Spring comes late in Newfoundland, but this makes the warm air even more appreciated. Once the snow melts and the warmer temperatures arrive, my friends and I camp on the East Coast Trail almost every weekend. The East Coast Trail boasts 336 kilometers of ocean side hiking trails, they range in difficulty and accessibility giving all who wants to access to crisp ocean air. The trails wrap around the coast on the shores surrounding St. John’s and down the Southern Coast, meaning there are lots of beautiful oceanside camping spots.

One weekend in particular stands out to me when I think about how much I appreciate the beauty that the ocean here can show me. My friends and I were camping on the East Coast Trail in early July this past summer. As we got to our spot, we were setting up our tents and starting a fire, there was a strange sound coming from around the cove. At first, it was jarring, a loud echoing sound that we couldn’t quite identify. After a few moments of speculation, I saw a splash from the corner of my eye. Then around the corner came a pod of humpback whales. A breathtaking sight that I will never forget. As the night progressed and we sat around the fire the whales stayed and fed near our sight for ours. Even after the sun went down and the moon came out, we could still hear them. It is one of my fondest memories of the ocean here in Newfoundland. I am so grateful of the East Coast Trail for providing so much access to our beautiful ocean.

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