Knowing the Unknown

Nobody knows everything about the ocean

Knowing the Unknown

What do you know about marine conservation in Newfoundland and Labrador?

Explore the known and unknown about marine conservation with these fun games! Be sure to share your high score with friends and colleagues! Give them a try, they are fun !!

Test Your Knowledge


What do you know about marine conservation in Newfoundland and Labrador?

Complete the follow quiz to find out!

1 / 20

Name this species that is the first to be certified as organic in North America


2 / 20

What is the name of this seaweed which creates large forests on the coasts of NL?


3 / 20

Large deep-sea corals (like this one) are found in NLs waters - True or False?


4 / 20

What Ocean is NL a Part of?


5 / 20

When is World Ocean Day celebrated in NL?


6 / 20

How many species of shark are found in NL's waters?


7 / 20

What is the name of this invasive species found in NL waters?


8 / 20

There are only 3 species of whale in NLs waters - True or false


9 / 20

Name the fish that rolls in the summer in NL?


10 / 20

How long can Atlantic cod live?


11 / 20

Is Eelgrass a species of algae or flowering plant?


12 / 20

What type of shark is in this picture?


13 / 20

Name this fish that can be found in Newfoundland!


14 / 20

Name this jumping fish that can be found in NL!


15 / 20

Name this deep-sea coral found in NL waters


16 / 20

Name this iconic species found in Newfoundland and Labrador's waters.


17 / 20

What is this whale species found in NL waters?


18 / 20

A commercially important species of crab in NL?


19 / 20

What sea turtle can be found in NLs marine ecosystem?


20 / 20

Blue Sharks are found in NLs waters - True or False?


Your score is

The average score is 74%

Pick the Picture

You will be shown 28 pairs of pictures about an element of the NL marine ecosystem. Like the following two pictures. For each pair, please select one that you consider to be more important for the health of the marine ecosystem.

There is no right or wrong answer. We just want to know what you think.

north-atlantic-cod porbeagle-shark

Please choose one image from each pair. Select the picture that you think plays more important role in the NL marine ecosystem.

You can change your answer by going back to any previous pairs from the Selected Pairs section (will be visible once you make your selection) until you complete the game.

0% Completed

Select the one that you think plays more important role in NL marine ecosystem

Great Job!! You have completed the exercise

Here's the result of your selection. The results are displayed in the descending order of score based on your selection. The species that has the highest score got selected most number of times.


Selected Pairs:

Each pair will appear here once you select a picture. Your selected species is marked as blue. Click on any pair to change your selection